Venue : Senate Hall, IIT Roorkee |
Date : 18th August 2017 |
Time : 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. |
Members of SAC
G.S. Alumni Affairs | : | Mr. Manik Verma (Convener) |
G.S. Cultural Affairs | : | Mr. Prajwal Bhatt |
G.S. Hostel Affairs | : | Mr. Sambhav Anand Jain |
G.S. Academic Affairs UG | : | Mr. Saksham Agrawal |
G.S. Technical Affairs | : | Mr. Punit Dhoot |
G.S. Academic Affairs PG | : | Mr. Rajesh Vishwakarma |
G.S. Sports Affairs | : | Mr. Shubham Vij |
The meeting was attended by a total of 62 senators. Mr. Manik Verma welcomes the Members of the Students’ Senate.
Item No. 4.1
To report the senate of the following:
1) Bhawan Day Policy restructured - Bhawan Days to be celebrated throughout the year on festive occasions.
2) Night Canteens - Canteen running all night to be started by 20th August on a pilot run at Rajiv Bhawan and will be expanded throughout the campus if successful.
3) Privatization - Final stage interview to be taken and contracts to be assigned. Starting with 5 Bhawans namely RKB, Rajiv, Ganga, Cautley and Sarojini.
4) Appetizer launch - A mobile app for the smoother functioning of mess and bhawan facilities is ready and is planned to get launched by 1st September. It will be on a pilot run in 2 of the messes and will be expanded to the whole campus very soon.
5) RKB-Ganga Mess Separation - Work for construction of a separate Ganga Bhawan Mess has been started.
Presented by Mr. Sambhav Jain
Item No. 4.2
To consider request to recognise IAC as a functional body of SAC. It will work directly under Dean of Academics Affairs.
Presented by Mr. Saksham Agrawal
Item 4.3
To remove Gardening, Philately and Numismatics as proficiency as the sections have been closed. Students already enrolled in these should be allowed to re-register for a new proficiency.
Presented by Mr. Saksham Agrawal
Item 4.4
To consider the request for introducing printing facility in Library
Presented by Mr. Manik Verma
Item 4.5
To consider the request to increase no. of sockets for laptop charging at library.
Presented by Mr. Manik Verma
Item 4.6
To consider international student representation in senate.
Presented by Mr. Manik Verma
Suggestion invited to include international students in the daily activities of the institute
Representation to be given to international students in the senate
Ganga, Kasturba and Rajiv councils requested to put forward suggestions for the same and give a report of the steps taken by the
Use of Soft Skills Program to reduce communication gaps suggested
Bhawan Cultural Secretaries requested to make sure that information about Institute-level activities reaches the said parties
Zero participation seen in the recent workshops conducted by the Institute and suggestions invited for the same
Announcement of agenda on Bhawan Day suggested, considering that presence of international students is high on such days
A SMP focussed on international students suggested
Time slot separation in Sections suggested for PG/International students to increase participation; dismissed succinctly due to its counter-intuitiveness
Cultural Secretaries of respective Bhawans requested to disseminate appropriate information to the said parties about the various Institute activities
Written proposals requested from Bhawans having high international students population by 24th August
Inclusion of students having a knowledge of different languages to channelise information to international students suggested; written proposal requested for the same by 25th August
Establishment of a portal to collect information about international students on the day of registration suggested
Representation of the native culture by international students on Bhawan Days suggested; Rajiv and Kasturba Bhawans requested to implement the same in their Bhawan Days
Information regarding eligibility of PG students for selection in Sections requested by a Member of the Senate; informed that PG students are unwilling to do the requisite back-end work leading to drop-outs from Sections in the 1st Semester, PG students willing to do the work will be recruited by the Sections
Item No. 4.7
To consider request for a public cycle sharing system at IIT Roorkee. An adhoc comprising of elected and nominated students will propose feasibility and budget for the same. It will be launched in stages. 1st stage shall comprise of 50 bicycles.
Presented by Mr. Manik Verma
Item No. 4.8
To consider usage of Multi-Activity Room (MAC 4th Floor) - The room can be constructively used by various groups as increasing number of sections require space to function their activities.
Presented by Mr. Manik Verma
Item No. 4.9
To consider construction of Girls Washrooms in each of the Bhawans. A girls/common washroom to be constructed near the common area such as visitors room/canteens/entrances etc. in every bhawan.
Presented by Mr. Manik Verma
Item No. 4.10
To consider removal of Gate Pass system for the girl students. Currently the girl students need to generate a gate pass signed by the asst. warden for the exit from the campus after 12 AM which is quite redundant.
Presented by Mr. Manik Verma
Item No. 4.11
To consider centralized structure for the washing facilities in each of the Bhawans. Every bhawan should deduct Rs. 200 per student per semester for providing the washing facilities with an attendant without any extra cost. Timings of each bhawan for the same service may vary according to convenience.
Presented by Mr. Sambhav Jain
Issue of slow work in the establishment of laundry rooms in RKB raised by the Member; looping in of General Secretary(Hostel Affairs) suggested for the same
Issue of difficulty in conducting Bhawan activities due to dissent by the hostel authorities: raised by SAC upon complaint of the Councillors; Councillors suggested to raise such issues with the General Secretary(Hostel Affairs)
Issue of clash of timings of washing facilities with classes raised; SAC suggested that timings be moderated by Bhawan Councils in association with the Chief Wardens according to the convenience of the residents
Cross-Bhawan washing facility use suggested; summarily dismissed due to feasibility issues with regards to adjustment in CCB accounts and time extension suggested at the Bhawan level
Query regarding the mandatoriness of the payment of the requisite fee raised as students still avail external washermen facilities; SAC proposed making the fee mandatory as the restriction in the movement is required due to security concerns. Funds to be deducted from CCB accounts and Bhawans unwilling to implement can raise their issues.
Ganga Bhawan Councillors raised the issue of Rs. 200 being too less to pay the staff for the facilities in Bhawans having less students; point noted by the SAC
SAC proposed that all steps of the washing process will be taken care of by the recruited washermen to reduce inconvenience for the students
Vote called on the agenda point - passed by the Students’ Senate
Pilot run suggested; SAC informed that the point had been included after the feedback of a pilot run with 80% people being in favour
Security checks on external washermen suggested; dismissed citing viability of such checks
Vote called again - passed by Students’ Senate
Query as to identification of appropriate authority to appoint staff raised by a Member; SAC proposed the deduction of funds from CCB account and handing them over to the Bhawan Council to be used to pay the staff
Item Nos. 4.12 and 4.13
To consider installation of Wifi-Routers in the common areas of each Bhawan - For the bhawans without the Wifi routers in the common areas like visitors room, TV room, Canteen, etc. Installation of the same will be mandatory. To consider installation of CCTV cameras in each bhawan - For keeping a check on the security, each bhawan must have CCTV cameras installed at the entrance and the security’s reception area. For the bhawans without this facility, it will be made mandatory.
Presented by Mr. Manik Verma
Proposals requested from Bhawan Councils of those Bhawans currently lacking these facilities for the identification of places for the installation of the same
Increase in the quality of Wifi Routers at LHC suggested; TPO and ICC being looped in for the same by identification of places to install routers and conducting stress tests
Wifi not available in RKB hostels, timeline requested for the same; SAC proposed the initial installation of routers at common places as the Bhawans have LAN facilities
Item No. 4.14
To consider the request to obtain the No Dues certificate Online. It takes a lot of effort to collect no dues from different places. It would be better if we can have an Online portal for the same.
Presented by Mr. Punit Dhoot
Implementation of the system for all types of certificates proposed; to be discussed in the next meeting
Proposal to make the system central; can be extended to the departments
Implementation of the system to Library Card Renewal Process proposed
Item No. 4.15
To consider the request for Security System development project. Building a security system in collaboration with the Information Management Group and ArIES. There is a need to address infrastructure issues on institute gates.
Presented by Mr. Punit Dhoot
System being followed at IITB can be implemented to allow entry of visitors of residents of campus. System consists of tokens with timestamps to identify visitors and the students. Can also be used to identify defaulters who don’t carry IDs. Proposal submission requested for the same for the consideration of the SAC.
System being followed at IITK of taking photographs of drivers also suggested. Tokens can be used along with valid IDs; to be discussed in the next meeting.
Change in point 2 suggested which will consist of matching entries in a computer to make system smooth and convenient and prevent dependence on timestamps. Bar codes can also be used
Details to be discussed in depth later
Guests of residents of the societies form a major part. Pass system can be used for identifying such guests.
Issue of outsiders in the campus in the morning raised by a Member; porosity cannot be reduced drastically, therefore, security checks to be improved at Bhawans
Proposal to close the barriers at Main Gate to be opened only upon registration
Item No. 4.16
To follow up on the eligibility of IDD/IMT students to register for minors
Presented by Mr. Manik Verma
Item No. 4.17
To consider the request for making the professor feedback online.
Presented by Mr. Saksham Agrawal
Suggestion to make the data public so that it can be used by the students while choosing electives
Parameters and questions to be changed for reviews to maintain objectivity and prevent biases; suggestions for parameters requested
Steps to be taken based on such reviews questioned by a Member; dismissed as not highly relevant to the current agenda point and can be looked at later
Suggestions invited to increase the credibility of the reviews
Non-compulsory reviews suggested at the end of MTEs based on remarks to facilitate a continuous improvement process
Inclusion of Lab Reviews in the same suggested; noted and approved
Judgement based general satisfaction of the entire class suggested
Open form for the submission of questions after some thought suggested; approved
Issue of improper marking in certain subjects raised; solutions implemented by the Institute in the form of a software and students advised to raise the issue in front of Dean of Academic Affairs in case of discrepancy
Opening of minor suggestions proposed for the entire year; reduced to an increased number to make the system feasible
Item No. 4.18
To consider the request for increase in the number of branch changes for the first year students to at least 7%.
Presented by Mr. Saksham Agrawal
Goal to eventually increase it to 10% proposed by the SAC
Increase to be proposed to Dean of Academic Affairs
Upper limit proposal rejected
Item No. 4.19
To consider the request to remove reservation in book allotment procedure of Library.
On-spot Agenda:
To consider the request to remove reservation in branch change
Presented by Mr. Saksham Agrawal
Neither of the two followed in any sister-IIT
Books to be given on a first-come first-served basis
Empty category seats to be opened for all during branch change
Proposal to not discuss topics related to reservation in the Students’ Senate suggested
Agenda point to be proposed in Faculty Senate
Item No. 4.20
To consider the request to decrease the fee for bona fide, transcripts, provisional degree and copy of grade sheet.
Presented by Mr. Saksham Agrawal
Bonafide Certificate | : | Rs.100 |
Transcripts | : | Rs. 2500 |
Copy of Grade Sheet | : | Rs. 1000 |
Bonafide Certificate | : | Rs.30 |
Transcripts | : | Rs. 1000 + postal charges |
Copy of Grade Sheet | : | Rs. 100 |
Item No. 4.21
To consider the request to organize certified mini courses in the mid-semester break.
Presented by Mr. Saksham Agrawal
Courses can be core as well as non-core
Fees structure of the course requested by a Member; SAC clarified that the courses would be free
Courses would be organised by IITR faculty
Proposal to include Groups and Section organised courses suggested; noted but concerns raised as to the authenticity of the certificates
Concerns regarding eligibility criteria raised; to be thought upon by the SAC
Number of seats to be limited
Open for all years except 1st Year
Funds to be paid from the Student Activities’ Fund
Removal of certificates from short courses proposed; dismissed citing the example of crash courses giving certificates to students
Proposal to make the course content available online with online tests to be conducted before the awarding of certificates(along the lines of edX and Coursera), courses can then be followed by the students throughout the year and not necessarily during the break; to be thought upon by the SAC
Expert staff can be invited to hold lectures for the courses which can’t be taken up by IITR faculty; to be figured out eventually by the SAC
Item No. 4.22
To consider the request for introduction of Bug Bounty program to report vulnerabilities in campus websites. To allow students to perform security analysis of campus websites, under certain guidelines. The reward for a vulnerability to be decided by a committee formed by General Secretary, Technical Affairs based on the severity of the vulnerability
Presented by Mr. Punit Dhoot
Has been implemented in IIT Guwahati
Incentive to report bugs in the site and make sites secure
Item No. 4.23
To discuss procedure to form Rajendra Bhawan council.
Presented by Mr. Manik Verma
Expert Panel for selection of students for the RJB Council having representation from DOSW as well as SAC along with the Chief Warden suggested by the SAC
Counterpoint presented supporting the conduction of election in RJB as election provide incentives to the Council to do work; SAC clarified that it supports the conduction of election but they can be held only after MTEs due to the plethora of activities and it would be lead to a hindrance in the activities of the Institute
SAC clarifies that an immediate formation of Bhawan Council is required
Representation of 1st Year girls in Sarojini Bhawan Council and other committees proposed
Vote called - Against nominations - 14, With nominations - clear majority, resolution passed with 77% students in favour of nominations.
On-spot Agendas:
Presented by Mr. Manik Verma
To consider the request of student representation in the committee responsible for revision of rules to be followed in case of use of unfair means in examinations
Need to change the rules highlighted
Formed Committee has no student representation
On-spot Agenda:
Presented by Mr. Manik Verma
To consider the request to extend the timings of dinner beyond 9pm as NSO students have NSO activities till 9pm leading to skipping of meals by such students
Extension till 9:30pm proposed for the sports community
Delay in the opening of messes for dinner proposed; approved by the SAC
Issue of lower flexibility in timings with the introduction of private messes raised by a member; SAC assured that the timings of private messes is 7:30-9:30pm and only 3 more private messes would be introduced by 2019
On-spot Agenda:
Presented by Mr. Saksham Agrawal
To consider the request to allow proficiency change after 2nd Year as well
Current rules force students to continue with their 2nd Year proficiencies in the subsequent years
Allowing a change after 2nd Year proposed
Item No. 4.24
Report to the senate-Review of the Bhawan Councils - Every elected bhawan representative will be reviewed twice in every semester (after mid sem and end sem). They need to submit a report on the works done by them and the meetings at the end of each month which will be made public with the attendance. If review is below a certain level, then the same will be reflected on their certificate.
Presented by Mr. Manik Verma
Reports will be made available on the SAC website
Results will reflect on the certificates to be issued
Change suggested to make Members submit reviews at the end of MTEs and ETEs i.e twice each semester
The reports, along with the attendance of the attendance of the Students’ Senate as well as Bhawan Meetings to be made public on the SAC website
Watch Out News Agency to conduct reviews of the work of the General Secretaries on a mid-term as well as an end-term basis
Manifestos of all Members to be published online
Reports to be submitted at the end of every month with regular reviews and warnings
Committee to be set up to introduce quantitative marking rather than qualitative remarks for the Members
Chief Wardens and Wardens to be included in the committee
Agenda point put forward to establish a database for future Students’ Senates and SACs
Mr. Manik Verma clarifies that some of the grievances received through Google Form have been addressed and some are in the pipeline.
Question 1:
The lack of agenda points concerning the Institute Sports Council and other sports matters
Provision of healthy snacks and meals to those who are supposed to represent the Institute in Inter-IIT and other events
Update on provision to establish sports alumni connect
Idea behind sport workshops - to introduce students to the basics of a sport in the initial run
Skipped due to the absence of General Secretary (Sports Affairs)
Question 2:
The tenders in both the canteens and public places are decided by the ADOSWs and the Chief Wardens. They seldom use these facilities. Can the job be given to the SAC instead?
SAC is now involved in all committees from this year and this has been made sure by the Director. The system is already in place.
Question 3:
RFID cards should be integrated with mess attendance so that remaining mess fees can be reimbursed if a student misses a meal. Information regarding other places where these cards can be integrated
In the meeting with ADOSW, it was decided that initially the system will be dependent on biometric attendance but it is a long term goal to integrate RFID cards with a majority of facilities. Proposed places are MGCL, Academic Sections, Intitute Gates.
Question 4:
Can a password reset button be made available in the IITR webmail?
The matter will be looked into.
Question 5:
Why does a centrally funded institute not cater to the needs of non-vegetarian students? Why do the students have to pay for non-vegetarian food brought from outside? Why is a non-vegetarian mess absent?
Non-vegetarian food is costlier than vegetarian food and it cannot be expected that the non-vegetarian students will be served food at the same amount. It cannot be provided free of cost. However, an effort is being made to increase the facilities and non-vegetarian food can be made available on a coupon basis.
Question 6:
With reference to the events at Azad Bhawan, are the current security guards competent enough to handle such matters?
The SAC acknowledges that there are certain events now and then but it has been emphasized time and again. Security measures at Bhawan level will be improved. Porosity decreasing measures will also put into place. Resolution to be designed in the coming weeks to improve Bhawan security. It is also the responsibility of students to cooperate by carrying ID cards and furnish them whenever asked.